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Frequently Asked Questions


How do we believe a person becomes a Christian?
There’s nothing more important than knowing one has eternal life.  This is what is necessary if we are going to ultimately enter into heaven and avoid everlasting punishment - we must have a personal, saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  We must sincerely repent and acknowledge we are sinners before a holy, righteous God and we must believe Jesus’ death on the cross was the only way any of us could have the debt paid for our sin, so we could be forgiven by God.  There’s nothing anyone can do to earn eternal life, such as trying one’s best to be a “good person” or follow religious rituals.  Only by sincerely believing in Christ’s atoning sacrifice and His glorious resurrection can everlasting life become a certainty.


What is our music like?

Our Sunday services primarily include contemporary Christian songs with some traditional songs mixed in.

What is our preaching like?​

We believe the proclamation of the Word of God should include both “truth-telling” and encouragement.  Therefore, we are both bold in declaring God’s unchangeable truths and we are intentional in building people up.  It’s been said the goal of preaching should be to “afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.”  This is our approach at M.B.B.C.  We continually strive to hold tenaciously to the truths of God’s Word with a humble spirit of graciousness.  This was the way our Lord Jesus Christ communicated the Word of God and we believe that it should characterize us also.  Come, listen and be transformed into the image of Christ!


How is Mississauga Christian Academy connected to Meadowvale Bible Baptist Church?​​

M.C.A. is a vital ministry of M.B.B.C.  It’s been this way from the inception of the school back in 1977. The main leadership team appointed by the M.B.B.C. board is the school principal and the senior pastor.  There's also a MCA school board, comprised of educational professionals and parents.


What should I wear to a church service?

There’s no specific dress code within our church.  People dress both in formal and informal ways from Sunday to Sunday.   We believe that God-honouring, internal character qualities are what is most important (1 Samuel 16:7).  However, modest dress is something we also believe honours God (1 Timothy 2:9).


Who is our leadership?

​We have one pastor and two elders who comprise our “Elders’ Team.”   We also have six men who serve on our deacons' board.


​What kind of people come to our church?

​We are truly a multi-ethnic church and we love it!  We have people who have come from such places as China, the Philippines, Peru, Cuba, Nigeria, Germany, India, Guyana, Uruguay, Belarus, and Jamaica.  We welcome everyone with open arms, no matter what their ethnic origin may be.


​Do we have a Sunday School?​

Yes we do.  Our classes cover every age range from preschool up to adults.  We also have “Junior Church” for children from grades 1 to 5 during the morning message time.


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